Cityline Partners have been very busy this year at their massive rezoning project, Scotts Run Station South. Beyond the obvious progress at the Garfield parcel, Cityline has demolished their longtime offices (West Group) across the street along Anderson Road. Behind the hill where most of the driving public sees the activity there is some serious work occurring at the periphery of MITRE’s Building 4, specifically in the vicinity of the future Johnson parcel development.
A new excavated pit has appeared within the parcel, where last summer a mid-rise office building was demolished. It doesn’t look like the property is full speed ahead, this excavation could be a borrow pit (although not many properties in Tysons are importing soils due to the earthwork necessary to dig out foundations and parking facilities).
The excavation could also be part of a long term project to simply address the elevation difference between the current conditions (a 30-40′ hill rising from Anderson Road to Colshire Drive) to lower the entire zone and remove the hill. There is the possibility that Cityline is also preparing the sitework for Johnson Building D, which happens to align fairly closely with the excavation area and will require approximately three-stories of excavation for parking.
The future Johnson Building D will be a two-bar 450,000sf tower with a 28-story wing and an 18-story wing. The building will sit atop a parking pedestal which will be partially buried and partially exposed above ground. Along the north face of the building where the parking pedestal extends above ground there will be ground floor retail along the entire wall, which will help limit the disruption at the street level from the parking structure.
We’ll check back in after winter to see if the site work activity escalates.