The Commons of McLean will continue to be the name for the remainder of the existing apartments in East Tysons not yet under redevelopment, but LCOR is taking a big step towards reinventing this corner of Tysons. For over a year we have been referring to the “HOAR construction project at Commons of McLean” as just that, which can be a mouthful.
The new name for the rising apartment building, just beginning to peak out of the ground, will be (drum roll)
The Kingston (first building) at Anderson Park (overall development).
Much like the big announcement by the Boro last year, the name change won’t at a snap of the finger fully remake the neighborhood. However, as superficial as it may seem, it is a huge obstacle overcome for good place making. The biggest hurdle for many emerging neighborhoods is spreading the word and creating a successful image of both what the project is, and will be.
Anderson Park is straight forward, acknowledges the existing neighborhood, while anticipating the improvements to green space and other amenities yet to come. I’m looking forward to watching this building rise. Between the cross connecting sky lobby and comparable massing to next door neighbor Garfield parcel project, the neighborhood is going to take on some striking changes over the next few months.