It took several years of complaining, a few discussions with VDOT engineers, and a lot of community concurrence but Westpark Drive is officially a 35 mph road. The 4 lane road is a central corridor for residents of North Central Tysons, the most densely populated residential district of Tysons. For years the road has had an inexpicable 45 mph speed limit, despite the surrounding land use and frequency of pedestrians crossing at several key points of the road.
The reduction to 35 mph still isn’t ideal, there really is no rationale behind this road not being 25 mph, but atleast it is a step in the right direction. The change in the speed limit, and on-going redevelopment which will reduce lane widths and introduce a landscaped median, will help pedestrians and cyclists get around to new retail, to near by metro at Tysons Corner Station, and the local Harris Teeter grocery store. New crosswalk paint and bike lanes will also be introduced in the neighborhood, along Jones Branch Drive, which with the traffic calming speed limit will have an immediate impact in walkability.
The signs have temporary flags to denote the reduction in speed, so there’s no excuse to be taken by surprise. If you are driving around North Central anytime in the near future, keep an eye on the speedometer, and as always, drive as if your children live here too.