It’s been a long time since we returned to the site of LMI’s future headquarters on Jones Branch Drive in Tysons. Nearly 6 months since our last update we find an 11-story building almost ready for occupancy. The structure was topped out long ago, the facade and shell fully enveloping the office tower, and the final mechanical and interior finishes being applied. Our lack of ability to cover every step in the building process really highlights the amount of growth that Tysons has experienced over the past 18 months. Had this project topped out anywhere else in the area it would be a major story, but in a growing city with 30+ story high-rises nearing completion it becomes yet another in a long line of new buildings.
The siting of the building isn’t necessarily the zenith of urbanism, and the lack of mixed uses will keep it a 9-5 destination, but there are some valid arguments in favor of its construction.
The building sits directly adjacent to the Jones Branch 495 Express Lane ramp. If you are going to put any land use along a rapid highway access, it should be office uses, as these are the highest likelihood to generate vehicular demand. This could be the catalyst (along with the start of construction for Capital One’s new 470′ headquarters) for building the Jones Branch connector across 495, a project that will provide walkable access between North Tysons and East Tysons.
The building was an infill tucked between Gannett’s headquarters and Hilton’s headquarters, far better than having selected an undeveloped office building in the further out suburbs. Lastly, the building will also bring in over $1 million in real estate tax revenue from commercial use, a goal the county desperately seeks in order to balance school and other budgetary needs.
In terms of architecture, the project is neither ground breaking nor an eyesore. It’s appropriate for its identity, will meld into the neighborhood surrounded by other offices, and unlike a certain building near by, doesn’t look like a monolithic borg cube. While there are more impressive and, in terms of urbanism, important projects in Tysons, MRP’s LMI headquarter is an important, though incremental, step forward.