Last weekend, the Tysons Corner Center had a German Christmas Market setup right outside a section of their mall for the first in what they hope will be an annual event. This is a unique way to do some of your holiday shopping!

There was an opening ceremony attended by a lot of dignitaries including Congressman Gerry Connelly, Chairman Sharon Bulova, and Karl Berger from the German Embassy. They introduced the concept of the market, and how this is inspired by traditional markets in the City of Dresden.

The ceremonies also included traditional holiday music performed live by a brass quartet, and the Sangerbund Choir. The stage was beautifully set with enormous German nutcrackers on each side, and other holiday decorations. Santa also made a quick appearance to officially open the market!

With that, the music continued, and the shoppers started to stroll through all of the booths. All weekend shoppers visited the vendors to eat German foods, and look at all that was on offer. There were candles, jewelry, handmade crafts, clothing, antique maps, and photography. Even the weather couldn’t keep the people away from open-air market. It was a nice addition to all the options inside the mall!

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