As part of our on-going series, using our database of building models (currently exist in Tysons, were built in 2013, are under construction, are approved for development, and are under review) we are providing a glimpse at what the future Tysons will look like with current build out.
The area around the Greensboro Park station is the one neighborhood without any construction activity since the approval of the Tysons Comprehensive plan. All other stations have seen atleast 1 high-rise building begin construction at this time. In many ways the existing conditions of this neighborhood are representative of most out-of-towner’s impressions when they are in Tysons. Miles of pavement surrounding strip malls, auto dealerships, and office parks.
[baslider name=”GreensboroStation”]What makes this neighborhood a lightning rod for criticism actually makes it one of the easiest to correct as well. In terms of a sand box to play in, a parking lot and strip mall might as well be a blank slate. The land is often flattened, no major demolition required to clear, and without existing residents a development can proceed without displacement and community anger.
The biggest negative of this corner of Tysons is it’s proximity to the two major arterial roads, Route 7 and Route 123, and direct adjacency to the ramp system interconnecting them. It is the least walkable part of Tysons (perhaps only surpassed by the interaction of Route 123 and the 495 overpass).
So far, only the northern side of Route 7 has proposed any new development; odd considering this is the side that is hardest to build on. The proposals by Dittmar, Meridian, and the approved development of Tysons Central will create an ultra-dense corner of town once complete. Both Meridian and Tysons Central propose 400′ towers which would surpass the heights of all existing buildings in the region.
We’ll see if the next 12 months might bring new proposals for the south side of Route 7 at Greensboro Park, especially considering it is integral to a major county goal of extending Boone Boulevard.