Perhaps the most indicting image of Tysons is a bus stop, without a bench, with two make shift lawn chairs for seating. Something as simple as a bus shelter is evidently too much to ask for from Fairfax County. Here, on the corner of Westpark Drive and Park Run Drive, 4000 residents and thousands of employees are within a one block walk to the highly touted Tysons Circulator bus stop. Is it shocking that this kind of bus stop has resulted in terrible bus ridership figures?
Over the past several months, since the opening of the Silver Line, trash bags have been showing up tied to the bus sign, because evidently the highest density region of Tysons is in the middle of nowhere and undeserving of even trash cans.
The purpose of this post isn’t to declare Tysons insolvable. The point is to shame those who could, with a single phone call, resolve these problems. Monetarily speaking, things like this are not even a budget blip. Yet, local leaders allow these conditions to continue (despite lip service about how Tysons is our county’s future).
If our leaders are not going to fix the issues of simple seating, bus shelters, and trash cans, then atleast get out of the way so those of us who want to fix our neighborhood can do so without red tape.