It looks like a new wave of rezonings are coming into the County from new sources that weren’t involved with the original comprehensive plan process. Earlier this month the AFL-CIO Building Investment Trust filed a new rezoning, The Highland District, for the region around Old Meadow Road, currently an area of low density warehouse and office use.
The project is a good sign showing a resilience in the market, especially in residential which is the predominant land use of the new Highland District. The rezoning comes with what has become standard fare for new projects, parks, walkable streetscape, some ground floor retail (106,000 square feet), and contributions towards public services.
The project will range between 5 and 6 mid-rise to high-rise buildings. The project will likely be less dense that adjacent Scotts Run Station which has direct frontage to the McLean metro station. As with the proposed 7915 Jones Branch Drive, the initial lower height buildings will help accelerate development for the street grid and pedestrian improvements due to greater financing options.
There’s no indication on when the applicant is anticipating to break ground and it could take years for the rezoning and final development plans to be approved, so don’t hold your breath on changes happening any time soon. The project, like others in Tysons, will occur over multiple phases with a final build out not likely for atleast a decade or more. However, like other projects in Tysons, the street grid improvements could precede much of the development and help people get around sooner rather than later.